About The Photographer

Washington State Landscape Photographer Tim Pierson

Hey Everyone, I’m Tim and here’s a little about me.

I’m a mostly self taught landscape & wildlife photographer currently living in Gold Bar, Washington. I have been studying and practicing nature photography for over 35 years, and if I had to describe my style, I would say I’m mostly attracted to small intimate landscapes full of colorful fine details, textures, and patterns.

I grew up in Federal Way, Washington in the ‘70’s & ‘80’s, before it was even on a state map. From about the age of 8 or so, I spent most of my time exploring and playing in the woods around my house. It’s what kids did back before the days of video games & the internet. It’s also about the time I took an interest in outdoor photography. All I had for a camera then was a Kodak Instamatic point and shoot, but that was fine… I was just a kid. When I graduated from High School, I was presented with a new SLR camera and that was it… I was hooked like a fish.

Since then, I have spent thousands of hours reading books and magazines as well as participating in a few seminars and workshops, learning everything I can about nature photography. From the technical side (camera settings, lens behaviors, etc.), to the artistic side… light, shadows, colors, shapes, textures, leading lines, etc. I have also spent thousands of hours out in the beautiful environments of Washington State, from coastal beaches, to old growth forests and everyhing in between, applying what I’ve learned. It has been a fantastic hobby that has brought me great enjoyment over the years, and I’d like to share that joy with you now.

I believe art has a deep connection with the human soul. Art provides us with a connection to our natural world. When we stop to look at it, we can be transported to another place or time, even if just for a moment. It gives our mind and soul a brief break from the everyday stresses of our world. Whether it gives us inspiration, or takes us off to fantasy land, art makes us feel good.

I have decided it is now time to share my art with you.

How am I going to do it? It’s simple really…

  • Quality Products Only —— There’s already way too much waste floating around in our oceans due to low quality products that fall apart and get thrown away. Just where is away anyway?

  • Customer Service —— There’s certainly no shortage of companies out there that will gladly take your money, but seem to disappear when their low quality product falls apart. It’s just plain BS and there’s no excuse for it. Where’s the integrity?… Did it get thrown away too? With me, if you have an issue or problem with a print, you just email me and I’ll make it right… whatever it takes. Simple as that!

When I started this business, I decided that if I was going to put in the time & effort to do it, then I’m going to do it right. That’s my story & I’m stickin’ to it.
